- Discrete Mathematics, A First Course, Contemporary Scientific Press (2021), 570 pages.
Link to Amazon Page,Preface, Contents
*Chapter 1: Logical Operators*
- Introduction to Cryptography with Mathematical Foundations and Computer Implementations,
Revised Paperback Edition, Contemporary Scientific Press (2020), 669 pages
Original Hardcover Edition: Chapman & Hall/CRC Press (2010), 669 pages.
Chapman & Hall/CRC Press Book Web Page,
Detailed Table of Contents(pdf),
*Chapter 1: Overview*
- Discrete Structures with Contemporary Applications, Chapman & Hall/CRC Press (2011), 1002 pages.
Chapman & Hall/CRC Press Book Web Page,
*Chapter 5: Counting Techniques, Combinatorics, and Generating Functions*
- Introduction to Numerical Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations Using MATLAB®, John Wiley & Sons (2005), 832 pages.
John Wiley & Sons,
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*Chapter 13: The Finite Element Method*
- Introduction to MATLAB® with Numerical Preliminaries, John Wiley & Sons (2004), 344 pages.
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*Sec. 7.2: Introduction to Computer Graphics and Animation*
Most of the paper titles below are links on which you can click your mouse to initiate a download of a pdf file
of the corresponding paper. |
- Assessing the Impact of Rebalancing on Equal-weighted and Value-weighted Portfolios over Five Decades (with R. Malladi), Financial Services Review 3, 33(1) (2025), 142-164 Open Access
- Online assessment in the age of artificial intelligence, Discover Education (A Springer Nature Journal) 3 , 126 (2024), 1-12 Open Access
- Association of Antiosteoporotic Medication Bisphosphonates and Denosumab with Primary Breast Cancer: An Electronic Health Record Cohort Study (with L. Zhang, D. S. Bell, et. al.), Women's Health Reports, Aug. 2021, 316-324
- Serous carcinomatous component championed by heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor (HB-EGF) predisposing to metastasis and recurrence in stage I uterine malignant mixed mullerian tumor
(with L. Zhang, M. Carbone, et. al.), Human Pathology 53 (2016), 159-167.
- Distinguishing properties of weak slice conditions, II (with S. M. Buckley and A. Diatta), The International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 71(1) (2011), 83-98.
- Homogeneous Genetic Algorithms, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 87(3) (2010), 476-490.
- Controlling Grade Inflation, Thought & Action (A journal of the National Education Association), 24 (2008), 81-90
Original (larger) pre-edited version
Accompanying Excel Spreadsheet Program
- Incorporating MATLAB® into university mathematics programs, CBMS Issues in Mathematics Education 14(2007), Published by the American Mathematical Society, 195-206.
- Polynomial solutions to Cauchy problems for complex Bessel operators (with G. N. Hile), Complex Variables. Theory and Application 50(2005), 547-574.
- Heat polynomial analogues for equations with higher order time derivatives (with G. N. Hile), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 295(2) (2004), 595-610.
- Minimizing lost time at automobile intersections, Proceedings of the Summer Simulation Conference (ed. Aguostino G. Bruzzone and Edward Williams), The Society for Modeling and Simulation International, San Diego (2004), 48--53.
- Series of polynomial solutions for a class of evolution equations (with G. N. Hile), The International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 10(3) (2004), 267-298.
- Distinguishing properties of weak slice conditions (with S. M. Buckley), Conformal Geometry and Dynamics (An Electronic Journal of the American Mathematical Society) 7 (2003), 49-75.
- Heat polynomial analogues (with G. N. Hile), Acoustics, Mechanics, and the Related Topics of Mathematical Analysis; ed. Armand Wirgin, World Scientific Press, New Jersey (2002), 185-191.
- Expansions of solutions of higher order evolution equations in series of generalized heat polynomials (with G. N. Hile), Electronic Journal of Differential Equations 2002(62) (2002), 1-25.
- Weak slice conditions, product domains and quasiconformal mappings (with S. M. Buckley), Revista Matematica Iberoamericana 17 (2001), 607-642.
- Weak slice conditions and Hölder embeddings (with S. M. Buckley), Journal of the London Mathematical Society 66(3) (2001), 690-706.
- Analogues for heat polynomials for higher order evolution equations (with G. N. Hile), Electronic Journal of Differential Equations 2001(28) (2001), 1-19.
- Gradient bounds for harmonic functions Lipschitz on the boundary (with G. N. Hile), Applicable Analysis 178(2) (1999), 101-113.
- Equivalence of analytic and Sobolev Poincaré inequalities for
planar domains (with D. Stegenga), Pacific Journal of Mathematics 178(2) (1997), 363-376.
- Poincaré inequalities and Steiner symmetrization (with P. Koskela), Illinois Journal of Math 40(3) (1996), 365-389.
- Planar Poincaré domains: geometry and Steiner symmetrization (with W. Smith & D. Stegenga), Journal D'Analyse Mathématique 66 (1995), 137--183.
- Integral inequalities and equalities for the rearrangement of Hardy
& Littlewood, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 183 (1994), 509--517.
- Smooth approximation of Sobolev functions on planar domains (with W. Smith & D. Stegenga), Journal of the London Mathematical Society 49 (1994), 309--333.
- The geometry of Poincaré disks (with D. Stegenga), Complex Variables. Theory and Application 24 (1994), 249-266.
- Products of Poincaré domains, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 117 (1993),
- Arclength formulas in conformal mapping, Contemporary Mathematics 137 (1992),